Redesign for an historic NGO

Formed in 1980, the Center for Third World Organizing has been at the forefront of organizing for social change in low income communities of color. We worked through a collaborative design process to create a new mobile-ready site that helps them attain their strategic objectives.

Newspaper website redesign and Drupal upgrade

Founded in 2001 as a print publication with a national distribution of around 100,000 copies, War Times has now embraced digital communication as an effective way to reach a wide audience. This major redesign greatly modernized their internet presence.

Alternative Medicine website

A Reiki practicioner in San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas needed to present herself and her approach, allow potential clients to solicit sessions, and list upcoming trainings. Built with Drupal.

Design updates for an international NGO

The Transnational Institute for Grassroots Research and Action needed to redesign their site in order to draw attention to a few important campaigns, and to provide clear ways for visitors to take action.

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